All enterprises are legally obliged to implement a working conditions and sickness absence policy. Furthermore, enterprises have a further legal obligation to draw up an RI&E. An RI&E has been mandatory for all employers since 1 January 1994 (with the exception of self-employed workers without employees / companies that account for no more than 40 hours per week).

Transafe has the experience and know-how to take responsibility for your organisation’s RI&E requirements and guide you through the follow-up.

The purpose of a Risk & Inventory Evaluation is to identify all relevant risks to safety, health and well-being that an organisation may face. An RI&E provides transparency for all of a company’s specific occupational hazards and serves as a point of departure for the working conditions, safety and sickness absence policy to be implemented. Drawing up an RI&E allows an organisation to take targeted measures to deal with risks identified, and allowing them to be reduced or controlled. The control measures for achieving this goal are described in the Action Plan. Transafe can help you implement the prescribed control measures or even fully take responsibility for their implementation.

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