gepubliceerd op vr 13 januari 2017

We would like to inform you that the ADN 2017 has been published on the website of the UNECE. ADN 2017 is already valid from 01-01-2017 but was not yet available. A transitional period is in place where both ADN 2015 and ADN 2017 may be used. The most favourable rules may be applied in this period which ends 30-06-2017. From 01-07-2017 only ADN 2017 will be valid.

The ADN legislation can be downloaded (free of charge) on the UNECE website in the English, German and French language through the following link:

A few highlights of changes which might interest you:

– UN1230 Methanol, 3 + 6.1, II has been assigned 2 blue cones/lights instead of 1. This will affect the number of jetty’s the barge may moor at whilst waiting for cargo transfer;
– The ADN loading/discharge checklist has been altered.
a) Specific points which addressed the use of liquid gas for (among others) cooking have been removed. The use of gas for cooking was already some years prohibited and the transitional provision has expired.
b) Driptrays must now be emptied before and after discharge.
– For several products subdivisions of the explosion group IIB were assigned. However this will not affect daily operations due to fact a multilateral agreement has been drawn up.

In conclusion:
The major changes which were forecasted for ADN 2017 have been either postponed, they will be entered in ADN 2019, or made invalid by a multilateral agreement between the ADN member states.
A copy of these multilateral agreements can be found throught the following links.

MO17: Unmarked flamearrestors in venting pipe on board till 31-12-2017;
MO18: Subdivision of explosion group IIB till 31-12-2018;
MO19: Extensions of MO05 and MO09 for the loading of UN3082 Heavy heating oil without VRU.

Transafe B.V.
Safety advisors ADN/ADR/RID

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